“Satisfactory results in oncology cases with no or less downtime.”

Gynaecological malignancies are on the rise and are increasingly seen in the younger age groups. We at ‘Janani Clinic’ understand that a diagnosis of a malignancy or a pre malignant disease brings with it an extreme stage of fear and anxiety for the patient and the entire family. We also understand the importance of an early, precise and correct diagnosis in these cases so that the correct treatment can be instituted at the earliest.

A detailed history including the past and family history, detailed examination, investigations can help in arriving the diagnosis at the earliest.

Common malignancies seen in the gynaecologic practice:

·Cervical cancers

·Endometrial cancers

·Ovarian cancers

·Vulval cancers

·Vaginal cancers

·Malignancies in the fallopian tube-rare


·Cervical cancers: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, frequent genital infections, multiple sexual partners, smoking, HPV infection in the genital area.

·Endometrial cancer: Endometrial hyperplasia, Strong family history of breast and uterine cancers, obesity, diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, increasing age, excessive exposure to oestrogens, postmenopausal age.

·Vulval and vaginal cancers: Genital infection, HPV infection in the genital tract, smoking.

·Ovarian cancers: Predominantly unknown, Certain genetic mutations, Smoking, Excessive use of ovulation inducing drugs.


Pap smear is a common cervical cancer screening test where exfoliated cells from the superficial surface of the cervix are collected by a cytobrush or a spatula and then sent to a cytopathologist to look for abnormal or premalignant cells. This test can also to done to look for presence of ‘Human Papilloma Virus ‘which is known to be a causative agent for the cervical and other genital cancers.

The pap smear should be done regularly every 03 years after the onset of sexual activity or 21 years, whichever is earliest. This test barely takes few minutes to take, not painful to do, is not very expensive, and the results are usually ready in 2-3 days. One should try to schedule an appointment for the test, preferably when not bleeding vaginally and preferably 2-3 days after the last intercourse. We at ‘Janani Clinic’ offer the best and latest in cervical cytology techniques like Liquid based cytology, High risk HPV genotyping, E6/E7 mRNA testing for the accurate diagnosis of cervical cancers.

The patients with positive Pap Smears are then offered further tests like colposcopy, cervical biopsy, pelvic ultrasounds, MRI scans etc.

HPV vaccines for prevention of cervical cancers

Dr Harold van Zurhausen was awarded Nobel prize for establishing the association between the cervical cancer and the HPV

Two types of vaccine are available



These vaccines are offered to girls from the age of 09 – 45 years (the recommendations vary for different countries).

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