“Comprehensive caesarean deliveries with minimum incision, bleeding and downtime.”

Caesarean section is one the oldest surgical procedures in the medical history and over the years has become safer for the mother and baby. Caesarean section is the mode of delivery in which the baby is delivered through an incision on the abdominal wall and then on the uterus instead of coming through the vaginal route. The indications of caesarean section fall broadly in two categories:

1.Elective: large for date baby, small pelvis, cephalopelvic disproportion, breech presentation in the first baby, transverse presentation, low lying placenta, severe oligoamnios or severe growth restricted baby etc.

2.Emergency: Foetal distress, sudden accidental haemorrhage, non-progress of labor, obstructed labor etc.

The caesarean sections are usually done under spinal anaesthesia and in some case under general anaesthesia depending upon each patient. The caesarean section should be done in a centre which is equipped with best labor, anaesthetic and neonatal facilities.

Dr Radha Rao conducts most of the delivery and LSCS at state of art tertiary labor unit at Cloudnine hospital, Jayanagar, Bangalore which follows standardized international protocols and is equipped with best in class equipment, excellent neonatal and anaesthesiology support system with access to blood bank services.

At every antenatal visit, patient is encouraged to ask questions and given good counselling regarding the mode of delivery and is always encouraged for natural vaginal delivery. Patients are encouraged to follow an active lifestyle throughout pregnancy and encouraged to attend antenatal classes where their queries are further addressed. In case of a definite indication for a caesarean section, the patients are then explained the whole process of the anaesthesia, surgery and post-operative recovery in detail.

Gynaecologists perform caesarean delivery with complete safety and hygiene during the procedure. In many cases it is widely noticed that when vaginal birth delivery is unsuccessful, the caesarean delivery procedure is performed for the safety of both mother and her baby. You can expect high level of professionalism from our expert gynaecologist – Dr. Radha Rao during the caesarean delivery procedure.

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